- All exhibits should be in place on the events field no later than 10am. Exhibits should remain on the events field until 4pm unless prior permission has been obtained from a Committee Member
- All drivers and vehicle operators are required to attend a safety briefing, with the event Safety Officers and Committee Members prior to the event opening to the public
- All exhibitors must ensure that their vehicles are licensed, insured, taxed and tested as necessary to meet legal requirements and will provide a copy (upon request) for inspection of any documentation relating to the same prior to or at any time during the event
- The consumption of alcohol by drivers and operators of vehicles is prohibited
- All drivers should be ready with their vehicles for the parades at the designated time
- All drivers should be licensed, and appropriately insured, for the class of vehicle they are driving
- No exhibit is to be left running unattended
- Exhibitors are responsible for ensuring that the health and safety of themselves, officials and members of the public is at no time compromised by their acts or omissions
- Children and/or passengers must be provided with a seat suitable for their carriage and safety
- All exhibitors shall agree to indemnify and hold harmless the organisers of the Castle Fraser Steam and Vintage Fair from any claim for loss, damage or injury whatsoever caused by their exhibit, or the crew thereof, whilst taking part in, driving at, or travelling to or from the event and will produce on demand evidence of third party insurance cover
- All participants agree to comply with the instructions of the Committee Members, officials, and stewards
- Any unsafe practices should be immediately reported to a Committee Member
The Committee of the Bon Accord Steam Engine Club reserves the right to take action against any exhibitor or participant found to be in breach of these rules and regulations.